Well here we are again, another week another post. It feels like Ive just had the same week twice, assignment after assignment and then there's the game we are creating. However things are finally shaping up, I am now working on an assignment that could be used in our game (the whole two birds with one stone) it is pretty much collision and adding physics.
At first I thought the engine we were using was very hard but after looking into it, it is very helpful. There are a lot of functions that help you and by just using the things embedded into the program already, things can be created much simpler.
There is one problem I'm still having and that is...FATAL ERRORS!... Everything started fine but I added a function that was already included in WildMagic called applyForce and everything went downhill from there. I tried everything to fix this mysterious error and the more I changed the more I messed things up! In time I believe I can get it, I just have to keep playing with it.
On another note we had our milestone this week. This milestone was for our designs and how we would be implementing these things into our game. I believe our idea is strong and we have somethings that are very crisp and somethings that need work. For example I believe Deceptus (game title) has a strong feel of our theme which is fear, the only thing we need to get into motion is our sound. How the game will look in design is covered but we did not think about the sounds. Sounds that we will look into include rain, thunder, creaky floor boards, screams from victims, footsteps and most importantly heaving breathing/panting. We are probably going to record our own sounds from different objects and people.
I hope our game is a success and people will enjoy it!