Monday, January 30, 2012

Recources In Games

Game Resource – Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out

When Does the Game Become Unbalanced?
I believe the game becomes unbalanced after the fifth match as the character is extremely hard. There are ways to defeating him however it becomes extremely challenging very fast. The opponents the player encounters before this are fairly easy but once you get to that round it becomes brutally frustrating.

Resource Graph

After looking at the resource graph it is evident that the game can be balanced more. Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out is a very challenging game where a player must go up the ranks to become a legendary boxer, beating the best boxers all around the world. There was one thing that the game was clearly missing and this was levelling up the player’s character. The enemies increase in speed and power however the player does not, he or she must increase their skill in the game in order to defeat the challenging boxers. The game becomes unfair when a boxer can knock you out in couple punches, if there was a levelling up system implemented so that after a certain amount of matches the character could increase in speed or power it would add another dimension to the game. It would allow the player to be more involved and also it allows them to choose whether they want their boxer to be either powerful or agile.
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out

There is something implemented in the game that allows it to be somewhat fair and that is after completing a certain amount of levels the player is given a password that allows them to start in the middle of the game. This permits the player to skip the beginning matches and go straight into the more difficult ones. This allows the player to be less aggravated because he or she would not have to keep replaying the same levels again and again.
Even though there is a way to skip the first matches the game can still be more balanced by introducing a leveling system. The player can increase their character and also become a better gamer from continuing to play the game. The battles will be less unfair and players would be less inclined to destroy their controller in frustration.  

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