Friday, January 13, 2012

And It Begins Again!!

After a well-deserved two week break I'm back into it and getting into things where I have to break down games and look at their core. This first week has been very good in the sense that I am getting settled into my classes and have met up with Team Smash.

This week I sat down with my group and played a card game called Zombie Fluxx. It was very interesting because it was very unconventional. I'm used to playing crazy eights, a game with set rules and only one way of winning. In this game I found that I had to be very strategic and plan out my moves because rules and goals kept changing. Rules and goals were played by players so at one point in the game I was drawing one card and playing one card and the goal was to have a gasoline and a car keeper. As I kept thinking of ideas to win using those specifications I realize the rules have changed, now I must draw 3 cards, play 2 cards and to win I needed a friend and a sandwich keeper. It kept the game interesting and I found if I were to make a game from scratch I would want it to be everlasting, in the sense that every time someone played it, it would be a new experience.

Zombie Fluxx Card Game

As of right now I have started reading "The Art of Game Design" by Jesse Schelle and I have to say it is very interesting. I have only gotten through the first couple pages but it has already gotten me to talk to myself and think about where I am right now and how I do things as a person wanting to be a game designer.

The Art of Game Design, By Jesse Schell

Reading this book is helping me understand how to be a successful game designer using all the skills I have plus becoming fearless enough to do things I am unsure about. Failing is something I must go through in order to create the game of my dreams and I believe I can achieve this goal if I reach out and try new and terrifying things.

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