Friday, April 6, 2012

Making Models

During the course of the week I have created a high polygon count model. It is a plant monster that could be used in a fictional game. The model is used for my demo reel I would like to distribute to companies I would like to be hired by.

The reason I created this plant is for a game idea that I have thought of. It is a RPG where a character is playing a jungle game and then gets sucked into his tv and into the game. The back story of the main character is that he is a teenager in high school that no one likes. He gets bullied all the time and the only escape is the video he plays every day.

Once the main character is transported into the game he turns into a character that is very bland and is made up of cardboard pieces. As the game progresses parts of his cardboard suit breaks off and he "comes out of the box" so to speak and realizes he needs to stand up to the bullies and talk people to create friendships in real life.

The plant monster is a boss in the game that the player must overcome. He obtains a whip and can attack the enemy at strategic timings to kill the monster and beat the level.

For balancing the characters so far there is:

Main Character
Attack: obtains whip in level 2, (whip levels up with experience)
Defense: player can dodge attacks by jumping
Mobility: Player has average speed (later on the player has a choice to wear running shoes that decreases his attack but allows him to dodge and move faster)

Main Character

Plant Boss
Attack: launch thorns from body and swings vines periodically
Defense: thorns on body (if player touches thorns he/she takes damage)
Mobility: moves very slowly (since the attack of this enemy is high the speed of the character should be slow to balance it out)

Plant Boss

As of right now, the game is an idea with some concepts of balancing applied. I believe this can be an exciting game if i continuing following this path to creating this game.

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