Wednesday, January 16, 2013

First Blog of the Semester!!

During the first lecture of Human-Computer Interaction the class discussed what makes them get out of bed in the morning. When I first heard I needed to analyze what why passion was I thought that I wouldn’t know what to say, but after one idea popped into my head another one came rolling along and before I knew it, I realized that I am very passionate about graduating and finding my place in the gaming industry. 

I really enjoy specific aspects of game development such as modelling, game designing (such as script writing, character balancing and story development) and the business aspect. I am taking a marketing minor so that I can pursue my passion in either a marketing field or modelling within a gaming company. I enjoy spending countless hours building levels. I start by creating a blueprint on paper and then create it in Maya. After I have completed a base structure I add in the detail and then colour.

During the lecture we discussed things we would want to learn within the class. I am looking forward to learning about unorthodox controllers, such as controlling a character using your mind or making a character respond to a player’s emotion. I find that intriguing because it is something that is not seen in today’s gaming world and anything new and creative is always something that grabs my attention.

Controller that reads brain waves
In the videos that were posted I found them very interesting and informative. The video that described a day in a glass world was amazing because I watch a lot of anime and most futuristic anime has things similar to what was seen in that video and I thought, “what a cool and innovative technology this would be if we had it in today’s society.” Everything is futuristic and uses a glass type material to interact with. Monitors and computers have vanished and it is all replaced by this glass technology. The overall message of the video I thought, was to make tedious jobs disappear for example when you have groceries and you don’t want to put them on the floor to open the trunk of the car, the car should know and open it for you. Another video that I was intrigued about was the virtual reality video. It showed so many ways a person can control a character and how virtual reality is coming back to show that it can be something great. The Oculus Rift, which is the VR headset, looks amazing and I would be very interested in seeing if it really puts you into the game and if it gives you headaches after couple hours of gameplay. The tongue controller was mesmerizing because on one hand it was a very unique controller but on the other hand it is gross and very… “Different”, one could say it is too unique, but I’d still like to try it just to experience controlling a character with the muscles of my tongue. 

Glass Technology used in the comfort of your washroom!

Below are some videos that talk about futuristic technologies and the next generation for gaming consoles. - next gen consoles PS4 and Xbox 720 up against the Wii U also has touch screens and new controllers (at the end of the video)

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