Thursday, September 15, 2011

Back To The Grind

First week back to the hard work and the ups and downs of game development. Learning from my mistakes from last year I will try to create a new game with my team. I would like to start early and have some ideas as to what I would like to produce. The first step is to brainstorm.

Brainstorming our ideas is a good way to see what we want and what ideas we want to bring to the table. Since this is the first week we are all getting settled and trying to get back into the rush of things. My idea that I will pitch to my group is a Ninja based game. The main character is a short ninja that was picked on all his life. One day his village gets attacked and all their secret scrolls are stolen, only the mini ninja can get them back.

Gameplay -
I would want it to be a three dimensional role playing game. I would want the player to be heavily involved in the game making decisions that would change the outcome of the game. His main weapon would be a sword and for the projectile weapon a sling-shot. I want to make the colour scheme very vibrant to stand out from other ninja games.

This is just an idea I have come up with and I will post a drawing of the ninja I would like to use as a main character in a few days. With the readings and knowledge that I have gained from courses I have previously taken I believe we can complete a respectable game if we start early.

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