Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Game

I just beat Star Wars: Forced Unleashed II for the Playstation 3. I have to say I had a great time playing. This is the second time beating the game but on a harder difficulty. Not to brag or anything but yes, I beat it on unleashed mode. The game itself was very fun, doing so many different moves and who wouldn't want to have force powers.
Starkiller holding his two lightsabers to signify that this game is a sequel

I have played Star Wars: Forced Unleashed and found that game very entertaining. However the second one I found more fast paced and Starkiller (the main character) had more power. There were some new moves that were implemented in the game and my favourite one would be the mind trick. Controlling your enemy's mind in order for them to see their allies as enemies was great. Sometimes if no one was around they would scream out "I don't belong here!"and jump off a ledge falling to their death.
In certain parts I would just grab three people at a time and make them dance around for a bit before I threw them straight up into the air. The games had its ups and downs, some parts were very challenging while others was a breeze. The one part that really got me upset was the ending. I believe it could have been more amazing however it is a short sequence and defeating Darth Vader was fairly simply. The ending sequence for the dark side was very short and not worth it however the good side had a longer scene and ties some things together. Speaking of the good and dark side, I really enjoyed having to pick between the two as it gave the player (me) the opportunity to control the characters outcome. Overall the game was very fun and I would recommend it for people that enjoy Star Wars or if a person just wants a fun hack and slash action adventure game.

Starkiller about to strike. The game has ominous colours to set an intense mood

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