Tuesday, March 22, 2011


For one of the assignments we need to complete, we need to play and analyze an art game. The art game is used to to create beautiful images and to make the player have a mesmerizing experience. It is not very strong in the story aspect.

The game I decided to critique was FlOw for the Playstation 3. It is an art game that can be purchased on the Playstation Network.

FlOw for PS3

The game starts off with mellow music and a simple set of instructions on how to play the game. after realizing that there are only two different types of movement the player can do he or she can move onto the next screen. The game title appears and the player immediately starts the game swimming around as a single cell organism trying to eat other things in order to grow larger and into more beautiful looking species. After eating certain objects the once single cell organism will have grown into a large organism and then the game will move deeper into the world starting off as a new single cell creature and growing into a different type of artistic being by devouring things around it. This process of eating and evolving continues for six levels. (meaning there are six main single organisms that transform into amazing creatures.) The game is very interesting but I find that art games are not for me. I need a story and other key parts that are in regular games. Even though I do admire the art and graphics in a game I cannot get into a game with just art and amazing music. Overall it was an interesting play and I would recommend it to people that love to draw and have a lot of appreciation towards art and how a game can make use of all its elements.

Game-play for FlOw 

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