Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Gaming Continues!!

Today is our milestone for our game that we are working on. Today our prototyping code should be done and our finished art. We have our preliminary code and basic menus completed. The art is completed and it is in our design documentation. The game is being completed slowly and we believe we can accomplish it within the time.

The coding aspect of our game is being dealt with by other people within our group so most of the milestone that is due is being dealt with by my teammates. In our game we will be using four main levels, this will have four main texture maps. One is for Egypt, Antarctica, New York City and one is used for the Grand Canyon, this will allow players to feel that he or she is actually in the driver seat in the location where the character is at the time.

The game will also include roadblocks and other obstacles that will restrict the player from driving through the level with ease. The roadblocks will push the the vehicle back slowing it down. The obstacles in the game will create a challenge making the user keeping wanting to play until he or she completes the level.

The trailer for our game is below, we believe that if we show the game-play and a cinematic we can drag the attention of gamers to come and try our intense racing action game.

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