Saturday, February 19, 2011

MarioKart BoardGame!!

During this week my partner and I worked on creating a board game from a video game that is already in the market. We chose to do MarioKart for the Wii, it is a lot of fun for the Wii and my friends and I spend a lot of time laughing and playing this game.
MarioKart Wii
The board game is very straight forward and is based off monopoly and snakes and ladders. The board game layout is based on the popular track called Rainbow Road.

The items in the game include:
Blue shell - player in first place goes back six spaces
Red shell - knock person in front of you two spaces back
Bullet Bill - advance six spaces
Star - quick-play card that enables invulnerability for one hit
Banana - drop on current space, if anyone lands on this space they lose item held
Mushroom - advance three spaces
POW - all players go back two spaces except user
Lightning - all players lose items
The board game in its prototype stage
We have created the board game and asked our friends to play the game in order for us to understand how people would react to the game, doing this will allow us to see if our game is ready for the World and if people would purchase it. When creating our actual product for retail we could include something related to MarioKart in order to attract more consumers.

People play testing the board game
Overall I believe the game was a huge success and that if it was released into the market it would be purchased by consumers.

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